Contact Lenses and how it all started…

Audio “Contact Lenses and how it all started…”

Yeah, I know, it took ages for me to write another post, which is embarrassing. But I promise, I’ll do my best to be more consistent from now on.

I wear glasses since I was ten years old, which I find quite early, and on top of that, at the time I also had to wear braces and I didn’t know how to take care of my natural curled hair, I truly felt like “Yo soy Betty, la fea”, haha!

Images from

Of course nowadays I don’t think that it was a big deal, I’m sure I would be able to feel beautiful even wearing glasses and braces if I had the knowledge or the tools I have today, which by the way, kinda sucks for our young Alana.

Anyways, time went by, my dental treatment finished when I was around twelve years old but it didn’t help much, so as we can see here it wasn’t either the braces or glasses fault, by the way my love for makeup also started at this age, and it was all because of a Brazilian soap opera called “O Clone”, but don’t full yourself thinking that it was much of a help, I was the classic example that heavy makeup and no knowledge actually make things even worse, so believe when people say that practice leads to “perfection”, but I’m not gonna lie, for me it took a while…

Images from

I was around eighteen years old when I’ve started getting the skills that would help me feel better regarding my appearance, it started by learning how to proper take care of my hair, how to use makeup in my favor and I got my first pair of contact lenses.

The first one I had was corrective ones and as soon as I got used to it I bought my first pair of colored ones. I’ll never forget, the first colored ones I’ve ever had was from Solotica, I don’t remember exactly the color’s name, but it was green… So, at this point my self-esteem skyrocket!

I wore the same color for few years, but as I wasn’t very careful, after a while my eyes got quite sensitive and I couldn’t wear lenses for around a year, so be aware.

Anyway, you probably already noticed how much I love contact lenses and I buy them all the time, let’s be real, it has to be replaced quite often, I’ve tried few different colors, some of them I love… others not so much, but this is going to be topic for later.

I’ll see you on my next post, bye.

Alana MKlein ♥


  1. Very inspiring story of “ugly betty” , but the truth she is not, she is beautiful betty inside out.

    Guys she thought me how to put on my contact lenses. Honestly it takes me an hour to put my first contact lenses👁👁. Then one day she show
    me how to put and remove contact lenses. And yeah, it’s easy. She is a good teacher indeed. 😉😉😘😘😘

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oi lindona!
    Amei a publicação e pelo que percebi, as lentes mais caras são as que incomodam mais.
    E as mais baratas são mais confortáveis, mas depende da marca, né?
    Adorei você colocar o link de cada uma, fica mais fácil de achar *-*
    Tenho consulta no oftalmologista amanhã e pretendo me adaptar ao uso de lentes ainda este ano. É importante no meu trabalho!
    Obrigada pelas dicas!
    Beijos :*

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Uau…😍😍😍adorei suas publicações, me tirou mts dúvidas!!!vc é demais!!!ficarei sempre de olho no seu blog,e além do que vc é lindíssima e cheia de dicas boas!! Parabéns 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😘😘


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